Emma grew up in Shropshire in a village. As a child she loved the outdoors and enjoyed walking the hills around where she lived. When she grew up, Emma worked in a post office and when she met her future husband Norman they moved to Oxford and had a daughter Kate.
Being active members of the community they noticed the lack of support for local children and so began a day centre within their own home.
Such was the success of this, they then had a centre built for the community. For over 50 years, they ran this centre for Age concern (now known as Age UK) to provide a day centre, luncheon club and the opportunity for local people to participate in other social activities.
A few years ago they were recognised by Age Concern for their huge achievements and awarded a Lifetime membership for the dedication and support that they had given for so many years to their local community.
Unfortunately, Emma had to retire from her work as her health started to fail her; after being diagnosed with Dementia, this was when Emma needed care herself.
Emma now has a Live in Carer with her day and night, seven days a week, and they even help her attend a day centre herself twice per week. Emma is happy with her life and loves to reminisce about her past with the carers who come, she enjoys talking about her daughter, her grandchildren and great grandchildren – for whom she loves dearly and loves going to her daughters to spend time with them when she can. She loves all the Carers help her and says she would not be able to cope without them. As a people person, Emma always looks forward to her carers staying and having a ‘good ole chat’. It has changed her life and she is so much more sociable and condfident again.
We’re proud to care for people like Emma. Your carers should not only help with day-to-day living but are also there for companionship and like Emma, enjoy having just a ‘good ‘ole chat’.
To find out how we can help you or a loved one, then call our care team today to enjoy an informal chat for yourself.
Dementia care requires patience, understanding, and specialised support, which we provide across the UK. In London, families can benefit from our expert carers who enable loved ones to stay in familiar surroundings. Learn more about live-in care in London and how we can help.