8 out of 10 Councils Are Failing Older People At Home

How You Can Tackle Your Loved One’s Home Care Dilemma

It’s become clear recently that in the UK, the majority of local authorities just aren’t able to meet the needs of older people at home. While this isn’t for a lack of trying, there are simply just not enough funds to ensure that everyone gets the care that they deserve. However, that doesn’t mean that your only other option is to move a loved one into a residential care home. By getting in touch with a trusted and well-established care provider like us, you can ensure that your loved one stays in their own home for as long as possible.

A home care crisis

Recently, The Guardian broke the story that local councils just could not look after their elderly residents in the way in which they deserved. As public services face more and more cuts, it’s often those in and approaching old age that suffer. Over 6.4 million people are living in areas without sufficient care – and that is particularly worrying if they are suffering from dementia or other long-term health conditions. So if you’re finding that the care in your area just isn’t good enough, what can you do next?

Helping older people retain their independence

We’re firm believers that people should be living in the comfort of their own homes for as long as possible. With the help of a live in carer, the elderly can retain their independence for much longer. Even small acts such as cooking dinner or planting some flowers in the garden can lift an older person’s mood and boost their confidence. A live in carer will be able to take responsibility for your loved one’s well-being, taking care of their medication, diet and exercise needs. All that’s left for your relative to do is just enjoy the comfort and familiarity of the home they have lived in for years.

You can focus on doing what you love together

Lack of good local care can be a worry for relatives – particularly if they live far away or work long hours so can’t help much themselves. Just knowing that your loved one is safe and well in their own home will be a massive weight off your mind. You’ll then be able to visit them and spend the time together doing things that you both love, thanks to the dedication of one of our live in carers.

The best option for everyone

If you do decide to go ahead and hire one of our live in carers, you’ll be helping to ease some of the strain on local services. With a long winter ahead of us, the need for good care is more urgent than ever. You’ll know that your loved one is being cared for properly with us, and the local authority will have less reason to intervene. Our care packages work for you – a tailored service that unfortunately, the local councils just can’t offer.

Get in touch to find out more

So, what should you do next? Well, start by getting in touch with us to discuss the unique needs of your loved one. The more we know about someone’s health and their personality, the more effectively we can match them with a carer. Our care plans are tailored down to the finest detail – and are much more flexible and accommodating than state care which can barely cover the basics in some parts of the country.