Are you a member of the sandwich generation?

Do you care for elderly parents and children?

If you’re feeling the pressure of looking after your children and your elderly parents, you’re not alone.  Did you know, around 2.4 million people are part of what’s known as the “sandwich generation”. A generation of people in their 30s or 40s who now care for their elderly parents whilst supporting their own children.

As an ageing population coupled with delays in starting a family, many of us are finding ourselves with these twin demands on our time and energy.

It doesn’t necessarily stop when the kids leave full-time education. With it getting tougher to get on the property ladder, more than a quarter of adults aged 20 to 34 are still living at home (according to the Office for National Statistics).

Carer burnout

Did you know, carer burnout is becoming a leading cause of burnout among women who are juggling career, child care, and the care of elderly parents? If you’re feeling squashed by the responsibilities of caring for your own family as well as caring for elderly parents, here are a few suggestions to help you cope:

1)Take care of yourself 

Basic self-care will enable you to better handle your responsibilities. Sleep as much as possible, eat a healthy, balanced diet and ensure you have some time for yourself – however little that may be.

2) Ask for help and delegate 

Accept you cannot do it all. Ask for help from family members and divide responsibilities. Ask neighbours or friends of your elderly parents who can help taking your parent to a doctors or hospital appointment, helping them with their housework or even doing something as simple as checking on them occassionally to ensure all is well

3) Flexible working

If you are juggling a career – could you work more flexibly? Talk to your Line Manager or speak to your HR department to see how they can help.

4) Hire a Carer

If nobody is willing to help, hiring a Carer may be the answer. Carers are not only there to help care for a parent but can also offer companionship too. Plus if you want to take the children away on holiday you can. Carers can also live-in providing around the clock care and support giving families complete peace of mind whilst offering you a well-deserved break!

5) Parents’ Finances

Many of the ‘sandwich generation’ find that their parents’ finances also become an issue. If your parent becomes incapacitated, someone has to take over paying bills and managing their money. Be prepared. The earlier you get a handle of their finances the better. Questions to consider:

  • Do they have a power of attorney?
  • Where do they keep all their financial records, bank statements, savings accounts?
  • What are their monthly expenses?
  • Utility/Council tax – who are they with – how are they paid?
  • Do they receive any benefits?

It’s important to remember there are organisations out there to help you. AGE UK and Citizens Advice Bureau  are a good starting point. At IP Homecare, we’re here to help you take a break or provide full-time Live-in care for your elderly parents. For more information, speak to one of our Advisors today or email us