Blood pressure awareness week – 9th – 15th September

Did you know it’s blood pressure awareness week?

We are an ageing population and with 18% of the population aged 65 and over and 2.4% aged 85 and over we are now living well into our 80s and 90s and the key to a healthy life is to keep ourselves fit and healthy for as long as possible. High blood pressure can lead to strokes, heart attacks and other illnesses. However, there are number of ways we can do help to prevent this and keep it under control by stopping smoking, eating a healthy diet and being active. One of the easiest ways to manage this is to know your blood pressure.

About blood pressure awareness week?

Know your numbers week is Blood Pressure UK’s largest blood pressure testing and awareness event. Their aim is to locate the millions of people who are unaware they have high blood pressure. Once people are aware of their blood pressure number they can get help to manage and support their blood pressure in order to prevent these diseases.

Where can I get my blood pressure checked?

You can get your blood pressure checked at a number of venue called ‘pressure stations’ across the UK. These pressure stations are located in your local area and can be found in supermarkets, workplaces, GP surgeries, hospitals, health clubs, leisure centres and local shopping centres. Locate you nearest one here.

Know your blood pressure number

High blood pressure is often referred to by medical professionals as the silent killer as there are usually no symptoms. So get yourself and your family checked today and reduce your risk of a stroke or heart attack.