Care to trial live-in care on a short-term care basis?

Unsure about live-in care? Then why not trial short-term care?

Struggling to find help with elderly care at home? Unsure whether a care home is the right option? We know it can be difficult, emotional and challenging time. This is why families can now trial our live-in care service  on a short term care basis to help you make an informed decision about receiving the best type of care for your loved one.

Trialling short-term care

If mum or dad is refusing to accept help with care, or you’re unsure whether live-in care is the right care option, think about trialing short term care. There are lots of benefits to receiving live-in care, while still affording your loved one their independence. Not least, you’ll have peace of mind that your loved one is looked after and comfortable in their own home.

Why trial short term care at home?

  1. Professional, 1-2-1, 24/7 care in the comfort of their own home
  2. Comfortable independence that’s affordable
  3. Specialist care that’s tailored uniquely around their own requirements and care needs
  4. Freedom to love and keep their pet companion at home
  5. Care for couples is also available, which means they don’t have to be separated from their partner.
  6. Family and friends can visit as they please
  7. They can indulge in their favourite foods – when they want
  8. They can live how they want to live, every hour of every day

Read more about the benefits of live-in care.

Find out how our home care options helped Rose in our case study

When Rose’s family contacted us, Rose had just returned home after a spell in hospital. She was in poor health and her family really didn’t want to place her in a care home. They really wanted to keep their mum at home. After extensive research, a friend recommended live-in care from Independent People Homecare and after seeing profiles of 4 different Live-in Carers, they chose Andrea as she loved swimming which is their mum’s favourite hobby.

Read the full case study to learn more about Rose’s story.

Get in touch. Get short term care today.

Our team of experts are here to help and advise. For more information or to start trialling our live-in care options, contact us to arrange a no obligation FREE care assessment.