Home Adaptions for Elderly People

As we get older, it can begin to feel a little harder than usual to comfortably move around our own homes. Home adaptations for elderly people make it easier and safer to carry out everyday tasks, with some of the smallest changes making the biggest differences. From widening doorways to grab rails for stairs, we’ve outlined some home adaptation tips that can help you stay living independently in the comfort of your own home.

Handrails for the elderly

Handrails, also known as grab rails, can help older people feel more confident when it comes to negotiating steps, changing position or getting into and out of bed. Installing handrails for the elderly can provide extra support if you’re having trouble moving around your home due to reduced mobility or problems with balance. Although grab rails can make getting up and down stairs easier, installing a stairlift might be a better option, depending on the size and layout of your home.

Bathroom adaptations for the elderly

When it comes to home adaptations for bathrooms, shower handles for elderly people can help to prevent falls and support weight. If mobility issues mean that you struggle to pull yourself up using shower handles, battery-powered bath lifts can help you get into and out of the tub, while baths with a side opening mean you don’t have to climb over the edge. If you’re worried about bending down and falling, or being unable to get up again, long-handled sponges or foot-cleaning bath mats can be useful.

Technological home adaptations

It’s not uncommon to struggle to answer the front door as you get older, which is why many elderly people install a system that lets you speak to visitors and manage who you let in. A door-entry intercom will make it easy to see who is there, while easy-to-fit wireless doorbells come with an entry phone that you can keep on your person. If you’re happy for family members, friends or carers to let themselves in, a secure, police-approved key safe box kept by the front door is another good option.

Home adaptations for moving around safely

One of the most important factors when it comes to fall prevention is making sure your home is well lit. If you find it difficult to turn light switches on and off manually, it may be worth considering motion-sensor lights that turn on automatically when you enter a room or get out of bed. Alongside lighting your home properly, widening door frames or changing the direction that your doors open can make it easier to move around your home, especially if you use a wheelchair or walking frame.

Home adaptations in the kitchen

When it comes to adapting your kitchen, there are a number of things that can make life easier:

  • A perching stool which supports you in a near-standing position
  • A kettle tipper to help you tilt the kettle safely
  • A spike board which lets you cut or peel vegetables one-handed
  • Wide-handled cutlery
  • A sturdy trolley to support mobility and help you move food and drink from room to room

How to arrange home adaptations for the elderly

If you or someone you know is worried about falling and feel that home adaptations would benefit you, ask social services for a home assessment. During the assessment, an occupational therapist will ask you questions to establish what you struggle with and to determine which home adaptations are going to be best for you.

It’s good to have a friend or family with you during assessment, especially if you don’t feel confident explaining your situation. Small home adaptations such as grab rails for stairs, concrete ramps and sensored lights are often provided for free from your council.

Do you need extra support moving safely around your own home?

At IP Homecare, our live-in care packages are designed to provide around-the-clock, professional care. Our live-in carers can help older people to maintain safety, support mobility and prevent falls. If you would like to find out more about our live-in care services for the elderly, contact us today. Alternatively, you can call us on  where one of our friendly team will be available to help.