How can Live-in Care support the NHS?

Amid the Coronavirus pandemic, there has been an increase in Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) contacting nursing and residential homes in order to free up hospital beds. These homes are being asked to provide extra capacity as the NHS ramps up discharge from hospital for elderly people.

At IP Homecare, we want people to know that live-in care is a safe and cost-effective alternative to moving elderly people into a care home following discharge from hospital, especially when the Coronavirus pandemic means the risk of cross-contamination is of great concern. Live-in care services mitigate these risks at a comparable price to a nursing or residential home.

Live-in Care and the Coronavirus Pandemic

According to research, live-in care is the safest way to prevent infection during the Coronavirus pandemic, protecting vulnerable adults with care provision from one single live-in carer. There are many benefits of live-in care to consider during this time, including infection control, dedicated one-to-one support and companionship, but Clinical Commissioning Groups may also want to consider live-in care services for the following reasons:

  • Live-in care can support discharge from hospital at volumes. At IP Homecare, we’re able to start packages of live-in care within 48 hours, meaning your loved one will be back to the comfort and familiarity of their own home in no time. Our live-in elderly care services aim to minimise disruption and restore normality, meaning older people are able to return to a familiar environment while being fully supported by someone who understands their needs.
  • We offer live-in care services on both a long-term and short basis. Our live-in carers have a wealth of experience when it comes to care after hospital discharge, and are able to provide this care on both a long-term basis or as a package of emergency respite care. During this uncertain time, our urgent care services are needed more than ever, with carers working hard to ensure your loved ones are settled back into their own home as soon as possible.
  • Live-in care reduces the risk of hospital readmission. According to a Better at Home report, individuals living in a nursing or residential care home are a third more likely to fall in any one year, in comparison to those who receive live-in care. It is also a well-known fact that people recover faster in the comfort of their own homes, in comparison to a hospital or care home.
  • Our prices are comparable to residential care homes. On average, the cost for residency in a care home is around £975 per week, in comparison to live-in care costs which start from £695 per week. Although both options cost a reasonably large amount of money, live-in care allows for a personalised care plan tailored to individual needs, with a 1:1 ratio of carer to customer.

Live-in Care Services from IP Homecare

With so much uncertainty still surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to ensure that our elderly loved ones are kept as safe and mentally well as possible. If your loved one is facing discharge from hospital and you’re worried about the spread of infection in care homes, our live-in care services may be the right option for you.

Live-in care not only reduces the amount of elderly people still in hospital amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it also provides peace of mind that your loved one is being looked after by professional care staff with a wealth of experience. Dignity, respect and privacy are at the centre of our approach to care, with the added benefit of someone being on hand to provide companionship and ensure safety.

If you’re considering live-in care for your loved one and want to find out more, contact our team of friendly experts today. Alternatively, you can call 0808 274 8170 where someone will be happy to discuss your requirements.