How to reduce your risk of falls

Anyone can have a fall, but as we become older we all become more  at risk. In fact, around one in three people over 65 who live at home will have at least one fall this year. About half of these will have more frequent falls too. Of course, there’s always the risk of broken bones or more serious injuries. But falling can also cause people to lose their confidence, become withdrawn and lead to a loss of independence.

How to reduce risks of falls

1) Have your eyesight tested every year
Even if you feel you don’t need it. Your optician can also check  for glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Remember – it’s free for the over 60’s.

2) Avoid rushing for the toilet

If you do find yourself getting up a lot, there is help at hand. Just have a chat with your GP, continence nurse or physiotherapist. Alternatively, you can refer yourself to your local continence clinic for advice and exercises.

3)Avoid alchohol if possible
We all know that drinking alcohol leads to loss of co-ordination and unsteadiness. It can also exaggerate the effects of some medicines. All of this can significantly increase the risk of a fall, especially in older people. The best thing is to avoid alcohol altogether.

4) Choose the right shoes
Wearing well-fitting shoes is really important. As we get older our feet can change shape, so those old shoes may not give you the support you need any more. Check that slippers aren’t worn and provide plenty of grip too.

5) Wear the right clothes
Avoid trailing or loose-fitting clothes that could trip you up. Check that your trouser hems aren’t too long and that any cords and ties are not left hanging.

6) Stride, don’t shuffle
Some people tend to shuffle along rather than lifting their feet fully when they walk. This increases the chances of tripping up, so stride out with confidence.

7)Put your slippers on
Walking on hard surfaces like wooden floors in socks or tights is never a good idea – especially for the elderly. That’s what slippers are for!

Download your FREE Falls Guide

Here at Independent People Homecare, we’ve produced this short FREE guide to help you reduce your risk of falling. There are lots of easy ways that you can do that – from making a few basic changes around your home to doing some simple exercises to help you improve your balance and strength. We hope you enjoy reading our guide – and that it will help you stay well, stay safe and put your best foot forward!

If you’re looking for extra support for a loved one – we’re here to help on a short or long term basis. To arrange a no obligation FREE care assessment, please contact us here