Live-in Care and the Coronavirus Outbreak

As the country continues to hopefully come through the pandemic, our attention is still turned towards our elderly loved ones who are the group most at risk of serious illness. It is understandably a worrying time for anyone with a loved one who falls into this category, particularly if they have an underlying medical condition or age-related frailty which means they require additional care and support.

If you are considering care homes or have a loved one currently living in a residential care home, it may become increasingly difficult to visit them during ever-changing precautions against Coronavirus. With self-isolation being central to advice on how to protect yourself from Coronavirus, care homes may not necessarily be the safest place for your loved ones to be, with many people living under one roof and the ratio of care staff to residents often being stretched which is why so many families are now choosing to hire a professional live in carer to provide 24/7 care for their loved one at home. So how can live-in care help?

How live-in care can help

With so much uncertainty currently surrounding the outbreak of Coronavirus, it’s important to do all that we can to keep our elderly loved ones safe and mentally well. Live-in elderly care enables older people to continue living independently in their own homes, with the support of a professional live-in carer. With many care homes facing the possibility of being required to lock down, live-in care provides a less disruptive option that allows you to continue visiting loved ones, while also providing peace of mind that they are being looked after should you begin to show signs of Coronavirus yourself.

Other benefits of live-in care include:

  • Infection control – unfortunately, those who live in care homes are more prone to infection due to air, space and equipment being shared by multiple people. This means that organisms are present that make it easier for infections to break out (such as Coronavirus).
  • Dedicated 1-2-1 care at home – one of the main advantages of live-in care is having personal directed care provided by one person who is there solely for you (meaning that attention is not divided between multiple people). Live-in carers are often quite skilled at recognising when something is not right with those they care for, which is crucial when it comes to spotting signs of Coronavirus.
  • Companionship – with isolation being the main Coronavirus precaution being advised, it’s easy for older people to begin to feel lonely. A live-in carer not only provides professional care, but also companionship which helps to boost mood and prevent people from feeling alone. As the time period for self-isolation is currently up to 12 weeks, it’s important that older people feel supported.

Live-in care after hospital discharge

As the NHS gears up for the burden that is likely to be placed on already stretched resources by the Coronavirus, it’s important for us to consider the number of elderly patients in hospitals. The truth is that many older people do not need to be in hospital and could be moved home – as long as the right care is in place. Not only is it a well-known fact that people recover quicker in the familiarity of their own home, but they are also less likely to be readmitted.

According to Home Care Insight, there are now 12 million people in the UK aged 65 or over – the primary at risk group for Coronavirus. As the Coronavirus pandemic escalates, many elderly patients will face the reality of care after hospital discharge – not only to reduce ‘bed blocking’ and unnecessary costs, but also to avoid putting lives at risk. Older people will be safer at home – and it will need to happen sooner rather than later.

Live-in Care

Do you think live-in care may be the right option for your loved one during the Coronavirus outbreak? Contact one of our friendly experts today, who will be more than happy to discuss the elderly live-in care solutions we offer. Alternatively, call us on 0808 274 8170.