Live In Care or Care Homes

How does Live In Care compare to care homes?

Did you know according to AGE UK by our late eighties, one in three of us will have difficulties undertaking five or more tasks of daily living unaided?

We all know we are an ageing population and the number of older people aged eighty five and over has increased by a third over the last decade and there is a rising demand for home care services in this country. However the majority of people are unaware of their care options:

What are your care options and how do you decide?

If you or a loved one needs around the clock care you may presume a care home is the only option. However, the majority of people want to stay in their own home and are unaware of the care home alternatives. Plus it is a proven fact for those living with Dementia, their home is their ‘memory box’. So private Live-in care may be the answer.

“83% of people with dementia said being able to live in their own home was very important”  Alzheimer’s Society

What is Live-in care?

Live-in care is where a professional live-in carer provides care and support in their home 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Live in homecare gives your loved one the assistance they need whilst retaining their independence. A Live in Carer will support them to make decisions about how they want to live their life.

Complex care conditions

The majority of people living with a complex care condition presume a nursing or care home is the only option. This is not the case. A Live in Carer can support those living with brain injuries, stroke, spinal injuries and even neurodegenerative conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease all in the comfort of their own home. Live-in care is especially beneficial for young adults as they are able to live independently when supported by an experienced carer.

Care homes and nursing homes

A care home is very different to Live-in care where the staff revolve in shift patterns and there is not a single person dedicated to looking after their loved one. Your loved one may prefer living with lots of people and joining in with organised activities. In a care home, there are fewer practical worries, and many of the person’s choices will be made for them resulting is a loss of independence.

You decide. Read our guide illustrating the differences between care homes and live-in care at home.