Why Choose Live-in Care?

As we get older, it’s normal for our health to begin to deteriorate, and many of us find ourselves needing a little extra help in our daily lives. Families are often faced with the difficult decision of whether to move their loved one into a care home or not. But there is another alternative – live-in care. Live-in care enables elderly people to continue enjoying a secure, comfortable and independent life within the familiar surroundings of their own home, with the support of a 24-hour live-in carer.

But what other benefits of live-in care are there? And what exactly does it involve? Find out more about why you should consider live-in care as an alternative to care homes in our guide below.

Care Home or Home Care?

So, why choose live-in care over other residential care options? Live-in care helps people to retain as much dignity and independence as possible, with a professional care service that is tailored specifically to their needs. With the support of an around-the-clock live-in carer, your loved one can remain living in a warm and familiar environment close to their friends, family, neighbours and wider community.

For many, moving to an unfamiliar setting during later life can cause significant trauma. However good a residential or nursing care setting is, its institutional nature will almost always mean losing any sense of independence your loved one has. But with our live-in care packages, your relative will receive dedicated one-to-one support at home, with full control over their life choices.

The Benefits of Live-in Care

Knowing whether to choose live-in care or a care home is a big decision, which is why we’ve compiled some of the main benefits of live-in care in our guide below. Whether it’s the cost of assisted living vs in-home care, being able to stay at home with your beloved pet or controlling the spread of infectious diseases, there are many reasons why you should consider live-in care as an alternative to care homes.


Why Choose Live in Care?
What is live in care and how does it compare to care homes?
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Find Live-in Care from IP Homecare today

Do you want to find out more about how to get a live-in carer? If you’re still thinking about whether live-in care or a care home is the best option for you or your loved one, call our friendly care team today. We’ll be happy to discuss your individual circumstances and talk through which of our care packages is most suitable for your needs. You can also arrange a free care consultation, where one of our experienced care partnership team managers will call you at home, hospital, or a location of your choice to discuss the type of live-in carer you’re searching for.

We understand that choosing live-in care can feel daunting, but we’re here to make the transition as smooth and as easy as possible. Our carers are experienced in providing professional care, making a real difference to the lives of those they support.