b'About us In order to ensure that our customers and theirWe are absolutely thrilled with our latest CQCfamilies are receiving the support from us thatreport. It is the latest in a line of only good findings, they need and deserve, we are routinely checkedand it was lovely for us to see so many green ticks. through unannounced visits from the Care QualityOne of the most rewarding outcomes of this report Commission (CQC). During these checks, the CQCwas reading the quotes from our customers and talk to our staff, the people we support and theirtheir families from the day of the inspection, which Independent People Homecare was established toAs a high-quality provider of Live-in care, we havefamilies, in order to gain their feedback on the highlighted the difference that our Carers makeenable people with care needs to be able to continueseen the demand for the services that we providecare that has been provided.in the lives of those they support. living comfortably and independently in their owngrown year on year. Every Live-in care package we homes. With the support of dedicated, professionalprovide is tailored to meet the individual care needs Carers who are employed by a company built on aof the person we are caring for. We believe that care foundation of extensive clinical care experience, weis about supporting people in a way that helps themThe overall judgement from our last inspectionmake sure that our health and social care servicesto maintain control of their lives, and to be able to provide people with safe, compassionate andmake informed choices.is that we are meeting all of the essential standards effective care. of quality and safety. It is lovely to see so many green ticks against the areas investigated.Care QualityAt Independent People Homecare we strive to ensureIndividuals receiving care are fully involved inThis is an effective way for our Carers to provide quality of care at all times. Our management teamplanning their care and making decisions at allsources of stimulation, good conversation and make regular calls to speak directly to those usingtimes. A review of care needs or a care plan updateinteresting activities.our services, in order to gauge how satisfied you can be completed at any time, and is automatically are with the care being provided.carried out when we see changes. When makingThis folder also holds a number of otherjoint decisions, the care plan is often discussed withmaterials, from information sheets and gentle We also perform spot checks, which involve family members in the best interest of those beingexercise instructions, to more clinical forms which an unannounced inspection visit to the home to cared for, and consent is sought for this. record food and fluid intake, risk assessments, ensure that standards of care are the very highestmedical history, and family contact details inthey can be.Full notes concerning the provision of care are the case of emergencies.kept in an accessible folder in the home, whichWe compile a report based on these inspections, the customer or their family can review at anyand this report is signed by the person receivingtime. This folder also contains the full care plan,care. In addition, we regularly send out both Careralong with background information detailingand customer surveys to gather feedback about hobbies and interests.the quality of our care provision.12 Live-in care from Independent People Live-in care from Independent People 13'