b'Why Live-in care? Care is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.The cost of Live-in care is comparableThe provision of Live-in care is both person- to many residential care homes. centred and tailored to your individual needs.You are able to remain living comfortably Our services are available on both a long-termin your own home with your Carer.and short-term (respite) basis.One-to-one care allows greater flexibility Regular checks are carried out by care managers,and personalisation. ensuring quality of service, safety and security. You can live your chosen lifestyle with ease. You will receive ongoing companionshipOur CQC inspection report is very reassuring,and support from a supportive and friendly and great for peace of mind. Carer. What to Our assessment process and getting started usingFollowing this assessment, we will work with you Once one of our Carers is placed with you, regular our services is very simple. When you make yourto develop a personalised care plan that clearly setscontact with both you and your support workerfirst contact with our office, we will ask you for someout the duties your Carer will need to undertake. will be implemented to ensure that all is going well. do next. basic details and arrange a visit by a senior memberYour care needs and dependency levels will beRegular review meetings will be held to ensure that of staff or one of our professionally trained regionalcarefully considered before an appropriate Live-inyour needs and expectations are being met; or,representatives. During this visit, you and/or yourCarer is placed with you. in case of changed circumstances, that yourrepresentative will be asked questions about thecare plan is updated.services you require. 14 Live-in care from Independent People Live-in care from Independent People 15'