b'Why choose complexYou can retain your No one wishes to feel restrictedindependence and stay in the by the traditional setup of acare at home?comfort of your own home with residential care home, and thisthe medical and holistic support is why our complex care at homeyou need services are often a better optionOur complex care carers are especially for younger peopleLive-in care is very different to the care provided in residential carehighly trained to provide nurse-Customers in their own home arehomes. In care homes, staff work in shift patternsthis meaningled delegated tasks less likely to be awake during there is no consistency when it comes to who is providing care. Somethe nights. If they do struggle topeople can find the fact they have little control over the events thatCare is provided 24 hours a day, sleep, there is someone there happen around them disorientating. In care homes it is easy to become7 days a weekjust to look after them, on a oneinstitutionalised, unstimulated and lose all independence completely. Life in your own home can be to one basismore stimulating with a private A bespoke care package. Welllive-in carer listen to the individuals uniqueFriends and family can still visit needs and develop a care planas easily as before that will support them bothphysically and emotionally.A nurse -led serviceTalk to us today about your complex care needs on0808 274 2190 12 Complex care at home Complex care at home 13'