b'Nursing care expertise A clinician led serviceOur in-house, specialist clinical nurse team has a wealth of nursingUnlike other live-in care agencies, Independent People Homecare was expertise and experience. They are there to provide medicalstarted by NHS Directors over 15 years ago who had a clear vision about assessments, clinical insights and home visits to those receiving care what would make the best kind of home care.at home. They also work closely with health care professionals, continuing health care teams (CHC) and clinical commissioning groupsAs clinicians, they were increasingly frustrated by sub-standard home (CCG) to arrange fast-track home care packages as well as providingcare companiesthey noticed that when people were discharged emotional support to their families at what can be a difficult time.from hospital with care packages, patients would often end up being readmitted again and again trapped in a downward spiral of dependency, Additionally, our clinical nurse team provides hands-on support andfalling confidence and poor health. The response to was to always advice to our regional care teams to ensure nurse-led training, guidanceincrease the home care package and advise families that living at home and best practises for our staff. This enables us to provide the highestwas no longer possible and that a care home would now be the best level of complex care for customers to live independently at home. place. As Clinicians they knew there was an alternativelive-in care.IP Homecare has provided an excellent service to my client and I have been particularly impressed by their commitment to providing the highest level of care which has enabled my client to progress and achieve independence.Jan Boyle, Brain Injury Case Manager14 Complex care at home Complex care at home 15'