b'Who we work with Case Managers and SolicitorsWe work closely with case managers and personal injury solicitors to provide bespoke individual person centred care packages for peoplewho have complex care needs.We partner with a wide range of people to do our worktogether.We help build a better world for our customers and their families ensuring they receive the highest quality of care and support at home.Private customersWe provide:We work closely with individuals, families and healthcare professionals to develop a unique, person-centred complex care plan which identifiesA free care assessmentSpecialist on going managementall their requirements. This allows them to have choice and control overof the care packagetheir care enabling them to lead independent, active and fulfilled lives. Costs. Well carry out long-termbudget planning and forecasting Local care managers who canClinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) on a per case basis meet with individuals and familiesWe work closely alongside CCGs and local authorities to provide quality- Experienced advisors wholl when and where required and willfocused and patient-centred care services for people with complex careensure a fast and efficient provided on going managementneeds who are also eligible for the NHS continuing healthcare fundingprocess from initial enquiry of each care packagewith CCG-agreed care at home packages. NHS continuing healthcareto implementation of the care The highest quality carefunding (CHC) is a package of continuing care funded by the NHS, package available to ensure your wishesfor those who require complex or palliative care.are upheld in the best wayResponsive servicewe possiblePersonal Health Budgets (PHB) regularly implement tailoredWe also work with people who have personal health budgets (PHBs).care packages within 24-hours A dedicated team of well-trainedPHBs is money provided by the NHS to support specific healthcareof receiving an enquiry and highly skilled staff to deliverneeds to set up a care package with a home care agency of their choice. the care package you require.8 Complex care at home Complex care at home 9'