Live-in care from Independent People 13 “The overall judgement from our last inspection is that we are meeting all of the essential standards of quality and safety. It is lovely to see so many green ticks against the areas investigated”. Individuals receiving care are fully involved in planning their care and making decisions at all times. A review of care needs or a care plan update can be completed at any time, and is automatically carried out when we see changes. When making joint decisions, the care plan is often discussed with family members in the best interest of those being cared for, and consent is sought for this. Full notes concerning the provision of care are kept in an accessible folder in the home, which the customer or their family can review at any time. This folder also contains the full care plan, along with background information detailing hobbies and interests. This is an effective way for our Carers to provide sources of stimulation, good conversation and interesting activities. This folder also holds a number of other materials, from information sheets and gentle exercise instructions, to more clinical forms which record food and fluid intake, risk assessments, medical history, and family contact details in the case of emergencies. In order to ensure that our customers and their families are receiving the support from us that they need and deserve, we are routinely checked through unannounced visits from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). During these checks, the CQC talk to our staff, the people we support and their families, in order to gain their feedback on the care that has been provided. We are absolutely thrilled with our latest CQC report. It is the latest in a line of only good findings, and it was lovely for us to see so many green ticks. One of the most rewarding outcomes of this report was reading the quotes from our customers and their families from the day of the inspection, which highlighted the difference that our Carers make in the lives of those they support.