Live-in care from Independent People 7 • Many care homes have designated suites for dementia care, which are often confusing and noisy environments. • We follow the Contented Dementia Philosophy and provide high-quality dementia training. • Life in your own home can be more stimulating with a Live-in Carer and friends and family can visit as easily as before. • Your loved one is in the warm, familiar and secure environment of their home. Remaining in a place filled with happy memories means that they are not confused as to why they are in a care home. • Individuals who have been able stay in their own home are less likely to wake throughout the night, and if they do, there is someone on hand to provide one-to-one care solely for them. • The provision of one-to-one support means safety is ensured at all times. • Being stimulated during the day means that sleep patterns are better, and this is more easily achieved with one-to-one support. • Daily/existing routines are established or maintained – bed time is the same every day, as are meal times. • Having another person in the home not only provides reassurance, but also inspires daily activity. There are, however, many options available to you in these early stages that will not only improve your quality of life, but will also allow you to plan your future care needs. In both the early and later stages of dementia, Live-in care allows you to decide your own life style choices while remaining in comfortable and familiar surroundings. Staying in your own home means you are able to maintain the flexibility of family and friends visiting you as they do now. Keeping active is very important, and with Live-in care support you will be able to continue engaging with the local community. This might be visiting your nearby shops, accessing community forums or going for a walk in your local area. If you are unable to walk these distances, your Carer will be able to support you in a wheel chair. Live-in care can support you in many different ways, and because our care support ratio is one-to-one, you know that your Carer is focused solely on your care needs and individual choices. Dementia and Live-in care