2 Live-in care from Independent People Your home is a warm place filled with memories, photographs and personal belongings collected over a lifetime. It is familiar and private, with friends and neighbours close by and trips out taken with ease. Your routines and mealtimes are just the way you like them, and your home fits like a comfortable glove. It is a place worth fighting for, and should not be surrendered lightly. With Live-in care, everything revolves around you and your happiness. You keep your right to make individual choices and both your quality of life and life expectancy are proven to be higher. At Independent People Homecare, your safety and independence are our main priority, and we strive to allow you to continue living comfortably in your own home and to pursue the life you want to lead. The Reassurance of Care in your Own Home “In addition to the flexibility of care, those being cared for benefit from the reassurance of knowing that there is another person in the house who will be able to help them in the case of an unforeseen need or emergency”. You can trust us to keep you or your loved one safe.