20 A guide to understanding dementia A dementia homecare Service There are many care options, all of which can help improve their quality of life – but none are as flexible and as accommodating as home care. Live-in care or visiting care for those living with dementia will enable them to continue to remain at home, both in the early stages and late stages of the condition. With the support of one of our dementia Carers, a care plan is tailored entirely around the needs of the individual by a health care professional, ensuring they can continue to make your own lifestyle choices whilst remaining in the comfort of your own home. By being given the option to stay in your own home, you or a loved one will be free to welcome visitors, free to continue with your own routine, and free to live as independently as possible; the only difference is that you will be supported around the clock by an experienced, professionally dementia trained Carer. To find out how we can help you or a loved one, then call our care team an informal chat on 0808 278 8807